Archived Messages
- Philemon 1:6 (what is Koinonia?)
- Philippians 1:1-5 "All In"
- Philippians 1:1-5 "How to start a church by Paul"
- Philippians 1:6-11 "Growing in Love"
- Philippians 1:12-18 "A Gospel Church"
- Philippians 1:19-26 "A Miracle Church"
- Philippians 1:27-30 "Citizens of Heaven"
- Philippians 2:1-18 "Church in Quarantine"
- Philippians 2:19-30 "Church Kids w/ Michael England"
- Philippians 3:1-11 "Pressing On pt 1 w/ Zac Bigley"
- Philippians 3:12-21 "Pressing On pt 2"
- Philippians 4:1-9 "Peace!!!"
- Philippians 4:10-13 "Through Christ"
- Philippians 4:14-23 "God Supplies"
Battleplan for Victory Pt 1 - P Jim III
Battleplan for Victory Pt 2 - P Jim III
Prevailing in times of transition - Pastor Jim 3
Prevailing in times of transition 2 - Pastor Jim 3
How to build a strong Godly Family
God is always doing much more than you think He is - Micheal England
What is God like? - Micheal England
Jesus Centered Home - Micheal England
Who do you say I am? - Michael England
Matthew Machen - Grace & Faith
Matthew Machen You are Extraordinary
Secrets to answered Prayer Pt 5
Secrets to answered Prayer Pt 4
Secrets to answered Prayer Pt 3
Secrets to Answered Prayer Pt 2
Secrets to Answered Prayer Pt 1
2 Foundation stones for Revival
9 reasons to study revival pt 2
Understanding true Revival pt 2
2. Think Big
Doing the sayings of Jesus Pt 3
Doing the sayings of Jesus Pt 2
Doing the Sayings of Jesus Pt 1
Like a Father (Fathers day 2017)
Christmas Message: The Greatest story ever told and the greatest gift ever given
Pastor Appreciation - Pastor Jim McCann IV
Bible definition of a Christian
Image of the Father - Associate Pastor Jim McCann IV
What's in your family well? - Associate Pastor Jim McCann
Baptism of the Holy Spirit Pt 4
Baptism of the Holy Spirit Pt 3
Baptism of the Holy Spirit Pt 2
Baptism of the Holy Spirit Pt 1
Dual working of the Holy Spirit
7 Offices of the Holy Spirit
Living in the Realm of Signs and Wonders 3
Living in the Realm of Signs and Wonders 2
Living in the Realm of Signs and Wonders 1
Law of Association and Transference
7 Fold Power of the Holy Spirit
Getting aquainted with the Holy Spirit pt 2 4/17/16
Getting aquainted with the Holy Spirit 4/10/16
Bitter Waters of Marah 4/6/16
Getting to know the Holy Spirit 4/3/16
Operation of the Trinity 3/20/16
Character of the Holy Spirit 3/13/16
Discover the Holy Spirit Pt. 2 3/6/16
Discover the Holy Spirit 2/28/16
Manifestations of the Spirit Part 2 2/21/16
Manifestations of the Spirit 2/14/16
How to flow with the Holy Spirit (Part 2) 1/31/16
How to flow with the Holy Spirit - 1/17/16
The Laws of Harvest Living Pt 4
The Laws of Harvest Living Pt 3
The Laws of Harvest Living Pt 2
Building a Vision for Properity Pt. 5
Building a Vision for Prosperity Pt 4
Building a Vision for Prosperity Pt 3
Building a Vision for Prosperity Pt 2
Building a Vision for Prosperity